2. Moving ahead with REDD+: Propects and challenges workshop - day two

From 9-10 April, the International Institute for Environment and Development hosted a workshop that aimed to explore the latest thinking on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD+). Here are the highlights from the second day.

  1. Day 2 of our workshop is about to start. First topic today: Strategic environment and social assessment (SESA) of #REDD+ in Nepal.
  2. RELATED BLOG: 'The risky business of assessing the potential impacts of #REDD+ in Nepal' from @SimonMilledge. Read:  http://www.iied.org/risky-business-assessing-potential-impacts-redd-nepal 
  3. Embarking on SESA exercise needs to be in tandem with strat dev+other critical exercises to balance expectations says @SimonMilledge #REDD+
  4. We're now talking about the experience of the Dem Rep of Congo and process and lessons learned from the SESA of #REDD+ and q's raised
  5. DRC priorities for next two yrs: finalise SESA; test tools developed; develop online mechanism to evaluate feedback+train national experts
  6. We’re now speaking to Rubin Rashidi on VC from the DRC with a bit of help from @lucile_robinson and her excellent translation skills. Merci!
  7. It's a full agenda at our workshop this morning. We've heard from experiences in Nepal, DRC and now Tanzania and it's not even 11am yet!
  8. The #REDD+ workshop has restarted, and we're beginning with the launch of a new REDD+ related publication http://t.co/FT0BmYdA5e
    The #REDD+ workshop has restarted, and we're beginning with the launch of a new REDD+ related publication pic.twitter.com/FT0BmYdA5e
  9. DOWNLOAD: Making REDD+ work for communities and forests: three shared lessons for project designers -->  http://pubs.iied.org/17211IIED.html 
  10. Back in the workshop, IIED's @SimonMilledge is addressing what formulation of #forest-related #SDGs targets might best complement #REDD+
  11. #Forest lessons we can learn from the MDGs include restoring ecosystem health and respecting ecological limits #REDD+
  12. Here's @SimonMilledge conducting the current Q&A on how #REDD+ relates to #forest-related SDGs http://t.co/bmBkpdwnph
    Here's @SimonMilledge conducting the current Q&A on how #REDD+ relates to #forest-related SDGs pic.twitter.com/bmBkpdwnph
  13. Given the #REDD+ focus on #forests, now's a good time to highlight our forests email newsletter, issued bi-monthly ->  http://www.iied.org/focusing-forests 
  14. The discussion has turned to how #forests fit into the economic growth models of countries. Danger of forests being marginalised #REDD+
  15. Point made that we can talk about #forests rights but must also address local communities. Can't afford for people to be marginalised #REDD+
  16. That concludes our coverage of the #REDD+ workshop, which will continue with partner meetings, networking & collaboration opportunities
  17. Don't forget, yesterday's round-up is here ->  https://storify.com/IIED/moving-ahead-with-redd-propects-and-challenges-wor  Today's round-up will be available later, plus all the presentations