Artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) day (#shareASM)

On 25 June, 2015, IIED invited global stakeholders involved in artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) to share their work in this sector, using their own and IIED's online channels. Throughout the day, the latest updates appeared here...

  1. Exciting news! This Thursday @IIED will dedicate a day to artisanal & small scale #mining. #shareASM for images photos videos blogs & more!
  2. 'Join us to #shareASM knowledge' - digital day sharing experience on artisanal and small scale mining today via @IIED 
  3. All @DDI_Intl work addresses the problems faced by the millions of artisanal diamond diggers and their families #shareASM
  4. Coming up we are assessing the impact of Ebola in diamond mining chiefdoms in Sierra Leone with @hilson2k #shareASM
  5. Artisanal miners told us their priorities. They want education, so we are sending schools to kids:  #shareASM
  6. Supporting artisanal mining is possible due to a multilateral approach and support from industry, governments and civil society #shareASM
  7. We are sharing artisanal miners' perspectives and priorities in intl processes like the #kimberleyprocess today in Luanda #shareASM
  8. #shareASM knowledge: Fairtrade is working with ASM groups in Latin America & East Africa to meet Fairtrade standards: 
  9. During today, on the hour, we'll #shareASM video interviews with key stakeholders who attended an IIED ASM workshop: 
  10. VIDEO: Here's the first interview, with Tamir Baasanjav of Sustainable Artisanal Mining -->  #shareASM #ASM
  11. A nice initiative from @IIED to bring together those in the mining community and share voices from #ASM 
  12. VIDEO: Toni Aubynn, chief executive of Ghana Minerals Commission, offers his #ASM thoughts -->  #shareASM
  13. #ASM miners need a fair price, safe working conditions & investment in their communities  #shareASM
  14. There is a 'mine' of information (geddit?!) & useful resources on #ASM in this blog: #shareASM
    There is a 'mine' of information (geddit?!) & useful resources on #ASM in this blog:  #shareASM
  15. VIDEO: Here's the third interview, with Adriana Eftimie of the International Finance Corporation -->  #shareASM #ASM
  16. Check out the great stuff been tweeted today on artisanal and small scale mining #shareASM @IIED
  17. VIDEO: Patience Singo, project manager for Sustainable Artisanal Mining, offers his #ASM thoughts -->  #shareASM
  18. Enjoying today's #shareASM day hosted by @IIED. Great to reconnect with colleagues and learn what people are up to!
  19. #ASM need decentralised affordable licensing & support to be formal b4 dev. issues can be tackled @IIED #shareASM
  20. New paper (in press) from my PhD research on governing Ghana's mineral rich forests  #shareASM
  21. BLOG: A shared long-term vision for #ASM highlights questions & ideas shared at a visioning workshop -->  #shareASM
  22. #shareasm Taken during study trip to Mongolia, hosted by the brilliant SAM project. Site of a rehabilitated ASM mine
    #shareasm Taken during study trip to Mongolia, hosted by the brilliant SAM project. Site of a rehabilitated ASM mine
  23. FILM: 'Gold #mining: the search for common ground'. Must-watch interviews from #Tanzania -->  #shareASM
  24. #shareASM knowledge: Inspiring work. Fairtrade hopes for a transparent gold supply chain & justice for ASM miners 
  25. VIDEO: Interview with Kojo Busia, Acting Coordinator at the African Mineral Development Centre -->  #shareASM #ASM
  26. In 2000, artisanal #mining contributed 9% of #Ghana’s #gold production. By 2010, it had risen to 23% #shareASM @IIED
    In 2000, artisanal #mining contributed 9% of #Ghana’s #gold production. By 2010, it had risen to 23% #shareASM @IIED
  27. .@miningontop2015 discussions on a country's #mining sector must include artisanal and small scale miners #shareASM
  28. VIDEO: Next interview is with @Toniaubynn, chief executive officer at the Ghana Minerals Commission -->  #shareASM
  29. BLOG: @mckernan_matt explains how a visioning workshop has helped shape #ASM priorities going forward -->  #shareASM
  30. VIDEO: Watch our interview with Claire White @ICMM_com as she shares #ASM thoughts and ideas with us -->  #shareASM
  31. @GOLDCOUNCIL we need to look at artisanal & smallscale mining to make effective cross-sector linkages #shareASM #farming #forestry #fishery
  32. VIDEO: Watch our latest #ASM interview with Naseem Chohan, executive vice-president of Gold Fields -->  #shareASM
  33. Interested in networking with others interested in #ASM? Check out our Twitter list of contacts -->  #shareasm
  34. VIDEO: Last, but not least, our final #ASM interview for the day is with consultant Gareth Taylor -->  #shareASM
  35. That's all for #shareASM today! Thanks to all who got involved & shared fascinating views & knowledge. Full round-up: