Development & Climate Days (day one)
More than 250 policymakers, researchers and development practitioners attended the opening day of this year's D&C Days at the climate change talks in Bonn, Germany, which explored four key themes towards building climate resilience for all. Here's what happened:
- D&C Days is held each year in the middle weekend of the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Amid the formal climate negotiations, D&C Days offers an opportunity for policymakers, researchers and practitioners to meet informally to explore key issues and ideas for future action in dynamic sessions that encourage dialogue.
- Welcome to the 14th Development & Climate Day. Over the next two days, we'll be exploring four key themes towards climate resilience for all. Follow #DCdays17 for all the discussions & interactivity --> …
- We have four themes around building climate resilience: *Resilience through empowerment and access *Valuing lived experience, and local knowledge *Transparency & downward accountability, and *Shared resilience #DCdays17 …
- Follow the participants at #DCDays17 in this Twitter list for personal views and stories on building climate resilience. We'll add to it as the day progresses --> … #COP23
- The day began with an introduction from Imme Scholz, deputy director of the German Development Institute/Deutsches Institut fürEntwicklungspolitik (DIE). This was followed by a storytelling session.
- More than a decade after the first Development & Climate Days event, @imme_scholz, deputy director of @DIE_GDI, begins #DCdays17 by paying tribute to @SaleemulHuq.
- #Decarbonization does interfere with everything we do. The same is true for #GlobalWarming. This important insight is the basis of the #DCDays17 – @imme_scholz at the opening of day one.
- A no brainer for dealing with a complex global challenge - surely? #DCDays17
- #DCdays17 testimonies from South Africa Fiji Kenia: bottom-up adaptation needs action, accountability, understanding new signs of nature
- Story Edward Cameron tells how we have to speak each other’s languages to build collaboration 4 climate action #DCdays17 #WeMeanBusiness
- We have to become accustomed to speaking with people who may not agree with us, who may not understand us - @EdwardJCameron. More on how we need shared resilience to address our shared climate risk --> … #DCDays17 …
- The first session saw the event open with some scene-setting, exploring the four themes and how they relate to the plans and the priorities of the UNFCCC.
- The leaders of the four themes on building climate resilience at #DCDays17 --> … @mauricesadlier, @EdwardJCameron, @SiMacAnderson & @gagnonsandra1 …
- In #Kenya, communities are demanding information about what is happening with #climatefinance thanks to local participation in funding decisions: Kenya #Adaptation Consortium #DCDays17
- See how local governments in the drylands of Kenya, Mali, Senegal and Tanzania are devpolving #climatefinance & establishing local-level climate adaptation funds --> … #DCdays17 …
- Private sector does not always understand concept of vulnerability - we need to improve the diagnosis & turn business into powerful allies in building climate #resilience: @EdwardJCameron #DCDays17
- Empowerment is often not dealt with much as provision of services in building #resilience; communities should be at the centre of the conversations: @mauricesadlier @MRFCJ #DCDays17
- Yet only 11 per cent of #climatefinance is getting to the community level, highlights @mauricesadlier of @MRFCJ #DCDays17 …
- Climate and development funds can deliver local finance by adopting six key structural changes, a blog by @clareshakya --> … #DCDays17 …
- @AMukwashi makes a very valid point on the divide between decision makers (fr the global north) & the people at risk (mostly fr the global south) #DCDays17
- The first parallel sessions at #DCdays17 are beginning, ranging from gender-responsive climate action to embedding transparency and accountability in reporting and finance
- One of the first parallel sessions explored what actions can companies take to reduce vulnerability and enhance resilience in the communities along their supply chains
- Great session starting at #DCDays17 on actions companies can take to enhance resilience in the communities along their supply chains - a key theme in 2017 @ODIdev @PRISEclimate research on livestock value chains in Uganda #CoP23 …
- For business, climate risk impacts workers, supply chains and logistics, and impacts markets and consumers - no one is unaffected #DCDays17 …
- Too often the companies best placed to mobilise resources for #resilience are divorced from the expertise they need to do it: @EdwardJCameron #DCDays17
- ‘Without healthy food systems, we don’t have a business’ - @DianeBHoldorf @KelloggCompany #DCdays17 @COP23
- @KelloggsUS introduced medium grain rice production to Thai farming with help of @RiceResearch to improve guarantee of supply for rice krispies - interesting insights from #DCdays17 at #COP23
- .@Microsoft is using technology to help tackle resilience issues of Access, Education and Innovation through #aiforearth - Michelle Billig Patron #DCdays17 @COP23
- @Microsoft using its cloud-based tech and ability to disseminate info quickly/widely to get information and tools in the hands of those on the frontline who might lack time, resources and skills #DCDays17
- .@Microsoft has pilot projects to use data & connectivity to develop more precise solutions for watersheds & help farmers in remote areas understand soil moisture, plant & harvest better #DCDays17 #resilience
- .@FAOclimate report of 2016 identified over 26% of total losses due to climate change, #DCdays17 tackling the omnipresence of #LossAndDamage across global systems @UNFCCC #COP23
- How can gender responsive climate action lead to resilient communities?
- Humbled and inspired by the eloquent, powerful women driving the conversation here at #DCdays17
- Did you know that 70% women in Africa work in #agriculture, yet only 14% own land #DCdays17
- #DCdays17 Gender responsive policies for climate resilience: @IDRC_CRDI 's grantee Winnie Lichuma advocates for equal participation of men and women in #ClimateAction
- "Climate change is about the women who drew water from that well before it went dry .....Believe in the communities, support what they already know" Mailes Zulu Mike SEPA Zambia #DCdays17 #climatejustice #MindTheGap #cop23
- Decisions need to be made in the community, don't make them "up there" and then expect them to trickle down. It doesn't always work. #gender #DCdays17 @MRFCJ @FleurENewman @sepazambia
- The #DCDays17 view of our session on gender responsive climate action for resilient communities #genderequality #empowerment #participation #livedexperience #MindTheGap #ClimateJustice #COP23
- Inclusion, participation and listening to people - clear messages from #DCdays17
- Under the transparency and accountability theme, participants discussed how we can embed transparency and accountability in reporting and finance.
- First series of parallel sessions at #DCDays17 is about to start. Together with our colleagues from @RCClimate, we host a session on #transparency and #accountability in #ClimateFinance. Looking forward to the discussion!
- What monitoring and evaluation mechanism for adaptation are there? More than 40 countries have implemented such mechanism, @UNEPDTU's Henry Neufeldt tells #DCDays17. Their new #AdaptationGapReport is out now: …
- Developing #metrics and #indicators for #adaptation is a key challenge building #climate resilient communities. #COP23 #DCdays17
- Technology, data, machine learning or plastic balloons? @PabloSurGames @RCClimate #DCDays17 : "We need to be creative enough to empower communities... Help us do based on what we see". #transparency #accountability
- A vivid spotlight on this morning's panel on #transparency and #accountability in #ClimateFinance. Thank you to illustrator Jorge Martin for capturing the discussion at #DCDays17!
- After a break for lunch, the afternoon parallel sessions began by asking how local actors can inform national and global decisions so that they prioritise the needs of the most vulnerable.
- Packed room listening to local voices at our #Dcdays17 session #COP23 "Communities don’t have empty minds - they have something to contribute let them have their voice" as @agnesleina puts it!
- @agnesleina and MP from Kenya challenge eachother to overcome barriers to enable participation of local communities in local and national #ClimateAction #Dcdays17 #COP23
- WATCH: See Agnes Leina, executive director of @Illaramatak, discuss the importance of listening to local voices with the Hon Francis Chachu Ganya, of the National Assembly of Kenya --> … #DCDays17 @MRFCJ
- Leaders are sometimes reluctant to share information as they know it will empower local people to speak out says @KisiluMovie #Dcdays17 #COP23 #empowerlocalvoices
- Lack of continuity between elected governments impedes progress. Laws can help to ensure continuity - Mailes Zulu of SEPA Zambia tells #Dcdays17 #empowerlocalvoices #COP23
- Elsewhere, there was an adaptation finance hackathon! What are the emerging and innovative solutions for enhancing accountability and transparency?
- Brilliant animations on show at the adaptation finance hackathon #DCDays17 with @ODIdev @AdiBahadur to tap innovative + emerging solutions for enhancing accountability + transparency #COP23
- Fascinated to learn how #Tanzania and #Kenya integrate scientific and local #climate knowledge to design local climate #resilience strategies at #DCdays17 and #COP23!
- .@SaleemulHuq providing feedback on the three different climate finance mechanisms. The winner is Neema with the local disbursement mechanism #DCdays17 #COP23
- #DCdays17 is the "anti-COP" says @SaleemulHuq - the place where concrete things happening on the ground are what matter most #COP23
- Is resilience and risk management just good development ‘with tweaks’? A big question that prompted plenty of debate...
- Old wine in new bottles? Our second session with @RCClimate at #DCDays17 starts with a physical exercise. Can resilience building change the way we talk about and implement good development? Time to discuss!
- Old wine in new bottles: is #resilience just #development with tweaks? Session at #DCDays17 Answer is clearly no.
- Building resilience with people at all levels = bigger #climateaction + more flexibility + future insights + diversifying risks. #DCDays17 @RCClimate @clareshakya @ItadLtd
- What's difference between #resilience & development? Essentially aiming for same outcomes, but "bit in between" requires longer-term, collaborative systems approach with #resilience @itad @bebraced #DCDays17
- The final #DCdays17 parallel sessions of the day are under way - tackling social protection in a changing climate to how to mobilise the financial power of the private sector --> …
- The afternoon continued with asking how we mobilise the financial power of the private sector in support of climate resilience
- .@EdwardJCameron at #DCdays17 - we have to change what we mean when we say “climate finance” we need to be bold and scale up
- When we ask business to invest in climate risk, it isn't asking them to invest in something new - it's simple business resilience & continuity. - @EdwardJCameron #DCDays17
- It's something businesses should be doing already, and they need to understand this #DCDays17 …
- We need to present investing in climate #resilience as more of an opportunity for business rather than just asking private sector to fill a #climatefinance gap: @EdwardJCameron #DCDays17
- Motivating businesses supply chain finance for climate resilience, through breaking down the issue for corporates in terms of vulnerable women & their rights. #WeMeanBusiness #DCdays17
- Mobilizing climate finance: it's time for companies not just to take action but to be activist on climate and resilience - @WMBtweets @IDRC_CRDI #DCDays17 #COP23
- What barriers do communities face in accessing climate finance, and how can these barriers be overcome? How can communities access financial support for strengthening resilience?
- How can communities access financial support to strengthen resilience? We're talking through innovative ideas/channels at #DCDays17 - read @ODIdev research + insights on appropriate levels of decision-making for decentralising climate finance here #COP23 …
- Under 10% of climate funds are prioritised for local-level activities. We need fair & transparent rules for all so more reaches the people and places that need it most --> … #DCDays17 …
- How can local-to-national linkages facilitate inclusiveness in National Adaptation Plan (NAP) processes?
- Angie Dazé from @IISD_Resilience opens a #DCDays17 session on vertical integration—creating strategic and intentional local-to-national links in adaptation—in the NAP process, with panelists sharing lessons from Malawi, Ethiopia, Nepal and India
- Donna from @RCClimate on the importance of simplifying technical language, translating to local dialogue and education in developing and monitoring national adaptation plans #DCdays17 #COP23 #childrights
- "We should not keep our beautiful documents in our offices," says Maggie Mgwira, Civil Society Network on Climate Change, Malawi, on the need for access to information for civil society for meaningful vertical integration in the NAP process #DCDays17
- Ethiopia's NAP launch is being followed by regional workshops in which regions will choose from adaptation action options that are best fit for that region's needs, says @asratyirgu at #DCDays17
- Social protection in a changing climate: how can we align social protection, climate change adaptation and humanitarian policy and action to empower households’ resilience?
- Climate sensitive social protection needs to respond to underlying chronic vulnerability as well as be shock responsive. And ensure tackle seasonal hunger not just disasters. @RCClimate #DCdays17
- Saturday ended with a summary of the first day's discussions from IIED director Andrew Norton, where he called climate change the greatest injustice of our generation.
- “Resilience requires empowerment” says @andynortondev, summing up the opening day's discussions at #DCDays17
- Without bottom up knowledge from communities we won’t get our investment right or our processes or power dynamics right. @andynortondev summing up day 1 #dcdays17
- "#climatechange is the biggest social injustice of our generation" says @andynortondev #DCDays17 #COP23
- How take insights of lived experience of climate frontline to greater scale? What shared messages will create tipping points in action? @andynortondev end day 1 #DCDays17
- That's it for today's live coverage from #DCDays17. Thanks for following! Here's some terrific photos from @rccclimate, and we'll be back tomorrow at 9.30am --> …
- One of the highlights of D&C Days is the mural of the discussions created by illustrator Jorge Martin. Here's some of the highlights
- Some good advice at #DCDays17 on the importance of participation and empowerment in #resilience processes #COP23
- This is crucial...#DCDays17
Climate change: ‘The biggest social injustice of our generation’ - Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre VIDEO: 17 years after he founded Development & Climate Days, @SaleemulHuq provides a round-up of the first day of the 2017 event, focusing on getting finance to vulnerable communities --> … #DCDays17
- NEWS: @RCClimate reports on the start of the 15th Development and Climate Days at #COP23 --> … #DCDays17
- Climate migration muddied by legal confusion in Pacific islands … #cop23 #DCdays17 #fiji #vanuatu
FEATURE-With early warning, Karachi cools a heatwave threat
Being unprepared for extreme heat can be deadly- This year's event is organised by a partnership between the Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre; the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED); the International Development Research Centre (IDRC); the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR); the Mary Robinson Foundation – Climate Justice (MRFCJ); We Mean Business (WMB); the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO); and the German Development Institute/Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE).
- Contributing partners to this year's event are Action on Climate Today, Oxford Policy Management (ACT, OPM); the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD); and the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO); the Adaptation Network; the NAP Global Network; the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ); and the Women's Environment and Development Organization (WEDO).