IIED’s Communications Learning Week (May 2015)
A series of sessions organised by the International Institute for Environment and Development from 11-14 May to explore common communication themes with partners from around the world, build relationships, and learn from them about the challenges they face on a daily basis
- In May 2015, delegates from Indonesia, Kenya, Vietnam, Bangladesh, India and Uganda arrived in London to meet with communications colleagues from IIED in the latest of the institute's week-long learning weeks, aimed at sharing knowledge and providing all participants with a greater understanding of global communications issues. Here's what happened the previous year...
- As a significant event in the calendar of the IIED communications team, anticipation was high...
- Looking forward to hearing about #commslearningweek @IIED. Great chance to share learning about comms across the globe. #wishiwasthere
- .@IIED's comms team are looking forward to the start of #Commslearningweek - a week of shared learning with colleagues from around the world
- The first day focused on communication challenges and opportunities in the participants' countries and examined how to put together a communications strategy...
- All set for #CommsLearningWeek @IIED w seven partners. Starting w strategic comms today led by @lizcarlile
- Coffee, welcomes and introductions to kick of #commslearningweek looking forward to a great week ahead! pic.twitter.com/IN9AgOS0nE
- Sharing and learning about communication in different contexts and countries @lizcarlile #commslearningweek
- Over at #commslearningweek @lizcarlile leading great session on the benefits of a well articulated comms strategy and how to develop one
- It wouldn't be #commslearningweek without us getting flip charts and pens out! pic.twitter.com/l1kmjupI3k
- What does the #commslearningweek have to offer for those coms enthusiasts beyond the @IIED walls?
- I do love a bit of SOSTAC! The marketing geek coming out in me at #commslearningweek thanks @lizcarlile great session pic.twitter.com/Z7fUIe9WMf
- Understanding where our orgs fit in nat/global picture is central to effective comms @IIED #Commslearningweek pic.twitter.com/tEpijmKzZm
- Less is more-do more w less resources. The ultimate message for us on why it's important to have communication strategy #commslearningweek
- Good discussion on strategy development & articulation & its role in really supporting prioritised effective comms #CommsLearningWeek @IIED
- Francis from @KRCUganda tells us the detail re a key stakeholder - audience persona session @IIED #commslearningweek pic.twitter.com/BbNnlGFe50
- Useful to know when planning digital comms that key audience doesn't have internet access. Audience personas @IIED #CommsLearningWeek
- Great session on defining and categorising audiences and mapping on influence/interest matrix at #commslearningweek pic.twitter.com/WgpkVUDzrB
- Day 1 of #commslearningweek - lots to ponder - stakeholders and strategies and many more. Thanks @IIED for bringing us all together.
- The second day began with a discussion, which included researchers, on how to best communicate with policymakers, including a practical session on using video. The afternoon continued the theme with a focus on writing for impact and dealing with the media.
- Hearing from partners + @IIED colleagues on experiences communicating w policymakers - how can we engage effectively? #commslearningweek
- Researchers need to build capacity on communication #commslearningweek
- Often impossible for outside orgs to understand complexity of political envt so work thro local communities who do. #commslearningweek
- "Invest in citizens" hearing from @IIED researches talking about communicating with policy makers #commslearningweek
- Understanding terms/concepts that policymakers feel threatened by is essential for tailoring comms + navigating r/ships #commslearningweek
- In fact as much as poss, work with partners to communicate info that empowers policymakers rather than threatens #commslearningweek @IIED
- Top tips for negotiating at internat level: understand hierarchy; assume docs not read; 2 pages max; language matters #commslearningweek
- Communicating with policy people using video at #CommsLearningWeek and we're about to be let loose with a video camera for a practice!
- Brilliantly practical tips for making an effective video from @IIED's resident expert David Sankar #commslearningweek
- At #commslearningweek with @masroora and @mjakkerman, creating a 1 min video pitch for one of their key stakeholders pic.twitter.com/8zAX8rqgso
- This is all that willl ever be public from the videomodule at the #commslearningweek pic.twitter.com/XCighWDqDO
- #commslearningweek exactly what we need pic.twitter.com/8LymQUQfJQ
- @fmusinguzi @IIED communication connects us as a people and stirs us to build a better world for all #commslearningweek
- With @aniessads @ACCCRN.INDONESIA discussing challenges in dealing with local and national media #commslearningweek pic.twitter.com/eoTVP64FXR
- Excellent discussion with @IIED researchers on influencing policy - #CommsLearningWeek. Strong emphasis on working with citizens.
- #commslearningweek time for some informal learning over food!
- It's not all hard work at #CommsLearningWeek @IIED . enjoying an evening out with partners. pic.twitter.com/9SRSWucQQL
- Day three introduced digital communications as participants looked at the pros and cons of online dissemination methods before turning their attention to email newsletters. In the afternoon, delegates started writing blogs about their experiences during the week, and were shown the edited videos they had filmed the previous day.
- How to build relationships with citizens through stories @fmusinguzi #commslearningweek pic.twitter.com/AkhVXKCN8Z
- Hearing about how stories can be used to empower communities from .@KRCUganda at #commslearningweek
- Very int. presentation on use of fictional characters and stories in working on citizen empowerment in Uganda @KRCUganda #CommsLearningWeek
- Francis Musinguzi @KRCUganda re storytelling to promote citizen engagement w politicians #Commslearningweek pic.twitter.com/xvW49oUIn9
- We're going digital today at #commslearningweek with sessions on digital comms, blogs and designing newsletters for impact...
- At #commslearningweek we're talking animations & watching this @IIED fisheries animation --> http://youtu.be/jCy8sOoiO8c pic.twitter.com/n2MSl3E0dB
- "A really powerful blog has a very clear voice" @helenburley1 and other tips...at #commslearningweek @IIED
- Putting the theory into practice #commslearningweek participants busy blogging pic.twitter.com/569kJTkhK1
- Regular frequency of newsletter is as important as content says @katewilson55 in #commslearningweek for @IIED . Do you agree?
- .@katewilson55 of @IIED explaining newsletters and how to make them more effective #commslearningweek pic.twitter.com/VHKRy4J67e
- Interesting discussion re how long newsletters take to do, whether it is worth it and what gets dropped to do them #CommsLearningWeek @IIED
- Newsletters: to be or not to be? Challenge should we prioritise newsletters in poorly resourced comms teams? #commslearningweek Pros & cons
- We're talking newsletters today at #commslearningweek so why not sign up to our monthly newsletter? Sign up here --> http://www.iied.org/sign-up
- The fourth and final day saw participants take a closer look at social media; the main channels, the range of tools available, how to repurpose content, how to compile a social media strategy and how to measure and analyse effectiveness...
- The 4th day of #CommsLearningWeek is under way & we're focusing on all things #digital & #socialmedia w/ @mattjobob pic.twitter.com/DcRsFlMkAk
- .@aniessads from .@ACCCRNINDONESIA talking about raising awareness on#climatechange at #commslearningweek pic.twitter.com/CRripvk5nV
- Learning how colleagues use social media in Kenya and Uganda #commslearningweek lead by @mattjobob pic.twitter.com/q8wYTU1cao
- Enjoying good refresh on using twitter & social media platforms for max impact #commslearningweek @IIED. Big Questions on who is out there?
- .@mattjobob explaining how to use .@twitter more effectively #commslearningweek pic.twitter.com/8ZHl1boatG
- How do you package info for different audiences across different social platforms? One of the things we're discussing at #commslearningweek
- "There are no right or wrong answers with social media, use what works for you" - @mattjobob #commslearningweek
- What's in yr social media football team? Is twitter your midfielder? Work out what purpose platform serves + prioritise. #CommsLearningWeek
- But also have the youth team prepared: invest + keep an eye on social media future #commslearningweek @IIED @mattjobob
- Want info from projects in remote spot or arrange mtg w scattered team? Use a whatsapp group - tip from @KRCUganda #commslearningweek
- Think mobile first - @IIED #commslearningweek
- Jane Kiru from . @adaconsortium explaining the County Climate Change Fund in Kenya #CommsLearningWeek pic.twitter.com/M4GKhHTt3j
- How to communicate a complicated subgranting procedure @IIED @adaconsortium #commslearningweek pic.twitter.com/iSceQQJiTq
- Social media measuring and analytic tools blowing my mind right now! Check out http://www.hastagify.com #CommsLearningWeek
- This is a scheduled tweet. When this tweet appears, we are enjoying the drinks #commslearningweek @IIED @mattjobob
- We want more, more more! #commslearningweek pic.twitter.com/vkPz1fIQJD
- What a great four days! Signing off from #commslearningweek @IIED feeling inspired. Thx to all partners who joined - keep in touch.
- A big thank you to colleagues & partners for sharing experience and ideas @IIED #commslearningweek. Lots of examples to refine good practice
- Our latest #CommsLearningWeek took place last week, featuring participants from Vietnam, Indonesia, Kenya & more pic.twitter.com/4r2hQcb4at